GSERB Shikshan Sahayak 5th Round Call Letter Declared 2020
Date of announcement of the fifth round of non-government aided secondary and higher secondary schools in the state 19-09-2020
Office Order : An announcement has been made in he newspapers on 19-09-2020 to conduct the fifth round of recruitment process for the year 2016 in the Non-Government Aided Secondary and Higher Secondary schools of the state. The advertisement mentions that candidates with merit equal to or greater than the merit of the candidates mentioned in the list of candidates four times (PML-1) posted on the website have previously given their online district preference during the 1st to 4th rounds and their online district allocation. Candidates whose names are not in the list published from here, even though the school allotment could not be done till today due to change in their merit, will be held on 21-09-2020 from 10:30 am to 25-09-2020. by 18:10 pm Secondary Branch : Commissioner Schools Office, Block -2/1 Dr. the application has to be submitted in person at Jivraj Mehta Bhavan along with all the valid supporting evidence.
As per the above details, a total of 176 applications have been received by the Head Office under the fifth round (PML-1) of Education Assistive Recruitment Process in Non-Government Aided Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools in the year 2016. The data of these applications index-B details available from district level and relevant government resolutions. Notification / Circulars have been scrutinized thoroughly subject to the provisions and after verification, the details of Valid / Invalid / Fileable applications have been posted on the website so stat all the concerned candidates should be informed to take note. Candidates who have been included in the list of valid applications posted on the website should Call Latter for verification of their eligibility marks / certificates on the website on 01-10-2020 from 10:30am To 05-10-2020 will be able to download up to 6:10 hours daily.
✅Important Links :
👉Circulars : Click Here
👉Call Letter : Click Here
Candidates who are absent on the date, time and place indicated in the call letter in the document verification as well as those who have not downloaded the call letter wish to recruitment their claim under the fifth round of the said recruitment process. Oral representations will also not be considered. Candidates are asked to take special note.