
Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coronavirus. Show all posts


GUJARAT CORONA UPDATE:- OFFICIAL PRESS-NOTE DATE:- 22/08/2020A mutual fund is a company that pools money from many investors and invests the money in securities such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt. The combined holdings of the mutual fund are known as its portfolio. Investors buy shares in mutual funds. Each share represents an investor’s part ownership in the fund and the income it generates.organized...


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.The MHRD Ministry started an unprecedented consultation process from January 1, 2015, which was a collaboration based, multi-stakeholder, multi-dimensional, bottom-up, public-centric, inclusive, and interactive process. It has been consulted at many levels - with online, experts, theme based and ground-level...


GUJARAT CORONA UPDATE OFFICIAL PRESS NOTE DATE 16/08/2020Dollar Rent A Car, has operations in over 640 worldwide locations covering 53 countries, with a fleet of approximately 200,00 vehicles. Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma USA, Dollar is renowned for its quality line-up of vehicles. Dollar Rent A Car in the UAE is a franchised operation owned by A.A. Moosa Enterprises, under the license of Zabeel...


GUJARAT CORONA UPDATE: OFFICIAL PRESS-NOTE DATE: 14/08/2020Dollar Rent A Car, has operations in over 640 worldwide locations covering 53 countries, with a fleet of approximately 200,00 vehicles. Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma USA, Dollar is renowned for its quality line-up of vehicles. Dollar Rent...


GUJARAT CORONA UPDATE:- OFFICIAL PRESS-NOTE DATE:- 13/08/2020Dollar Rent A Car, has operations in over 640 worldwide locations covering 53 countries, with a fleet of approximately 200,00 vehicles. Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma USA, Dollar is renowned for its quality line-up of vehicles. Dollar Rent A Car in the UAE is a franchised operation owned by A.A. Moosa Enterprises, under the license of...


GUJARAT CORONA UPDATE:- OFFICIAL PRESS-NOTE DATE:- 12/08/2020Dollar Rent A Car, has operations in over 640 worldwide locations covering 53 countries, with a fleet of approximately 200,00 vehicles. Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma USA, Dollar is renowned for its quality line-up of vehicles. Dollar Rent A Car in the UAE is a franchised operation owned by A.A. Moosa Enterprises, under the license of...


GUJARAT CORONA UPDATE:- OFFICIAL PRESS-NOTE DATE:- 11/08/2020A personal loan is a type of unsecured loan that that you can borrow from a bank or financial institution if you require funds to pay for your financial needs. You borrow a loan when you are in need of credit. Once you submit your loan application to a lender for a personal loan, the lender verifies and approves it. Post this, the loan...

15 June Thi Mafat Anaj Vitaran | Good news for ration cards 2020

15 June Thi Mafat Anaj Vitaran | Good news for ration cards 2020The state government has been distributing free foodgrains to ration card holders for the last two months in view of the devastation caused by the Corona virus epidemic At that time, as per the instructions of the government, the District...

Non-Criminal Certificate - Income Certificate Extended by 1 Year, Benefit Over Rs. 17 Lakh

Non-Criminal Certificate - Income Certificate Extended by 1 Year, Benefit Over Rs. 17 Lakh An important decision for millions of youth, students, children, parents of the state, the Chief Minister has announced to extend the period of caste certificate-income pattern for SEBC classes by 1 year....

Aatmnirbhar Gujarat Sahay package Decalred by Cm Vijaybhai rupani 14000 crore

Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has announced a Rs 14,000 crore "Self-Reliant Gujarat" relief package. In which electricity bill up to 100 units is waived. 20% rebate on annual property tax. He will pay 10% rebate to the corporation till July 31. While 6 months road tax has been waived. The state government...


JUNE MONTH NFSA FOOD DISTRIBUTION OFFICIAL PARIPATRA. As per the sensitive decision taken by Chief Minister Shri Vijaybhai Rupani for the 4 crore 2 lakh poor-Antyodaya population, the distribution of free foodgrains by the state government to the 3.81 lakh ration card holders covered under NFSA in...

Gujarat Containment zones List Declared

Gujarat Containment zones List DeclaredEGujarat Coronavirus Red Zone List (Updated): Gujarat State is the second worst hit state with COVID-19 after neighbouring Maharashtra. The state has so registered nearly 4400 Coronavirus cases through the state with high death toll of 214 as on 1st May 2020. In the last few weeks, Gujarat has seen rapid rise in the number of COVID-19 cases, especially in Hotspots...

This will be Lockdown 5.0, these 11 cities will strictly follow the rules of Corona

ST buses will run in Gujarat from June 1, shops will remain open till 7 pmThis will be Lockdown 5.0, these 11 cities will strictly follow the rules of CoronaThe country has once again implemented a lockdown to fight the Corona virus. The government has released the guideline of Lockdown 5.0. Phased...

Ration card holders Came to work News 2020

Ration card portability has been approved in more than 15 states of the country. From June 1, the Ration Card Portability Service 'One Nation-One Ration Card' will be implemented in 20 States and Union Territories. The One Nation One Ration Card scheme will prove to be very important right now. ...

The following guidelines for personal care are suggested by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India

The following guidelines for personal care are suggested by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India Ayurvedic steps to increase immunity One tablespoon (3 grams) of Chyavanprash in the morning, (diabetic patients should take free sugar Chyavanprash) MEGA provides user-controlled encrypted...

Gujarat corona Update date 22-05-2020 Evening 05-00 PM.

Gujarat corona Update date 22-05-2020 Evening 05-00 PM.The best web hosting provider right now overall is InMotion hosting. It's the best all-rounder in the market and is able to service individuals and businesses of all sizes looking for WordPress or ecommerce hostingTotal today 371 new cases of coronavirus reported in the state in 24 hoursBluehost is another web hosting provider worth looking at....

Corona Virus Special Pdf Download By ICE

Corona Virus Special Pdf Download By ICEDollar Rent A Car, has operations in over 640 worldwide locations covering 53 countries, with a fleet of approximately 200,00 vehicles. Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma USA, Dollar is renowned for its quality line-up of vehicles. Dollar Rent A Car in the UAE is a franchised operation owned by A.A. Moosa Enterprises, under the license of Zabeel Rent A Car LLC....

Gujarat Lock Down 4.0 Detail guide Line Declared

The central government has announced a nationwide lockdown till May 31. Lockdown-4 will now be for 14 days which is till 31st May. The rules and regulations will be announced shortly. Lockdown-3 is set to expire today. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi first announced the lockdown on March 24, there...
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