
Showing posts with label Important News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Important News. Show all posts

GCERT online course certificate basic guideline in Gujarati

GCERT online course certificate basic guideline in GujaratiAgeing or aging (see spelling differences) is the process of becoming older. The term refers especially to human beings, many animals, and fungi, whereas for example bacteria, perennial plants and some simple animals are potentially biologically immortal. In the broader sense, .ageing can refer to single cells within an organism which have...

WhatsApp is working on disappearing messages that will vanish in select time

WhatsApp is working on disappearing messages that will vanish in select time WhatsApp has started working on a new disappearing messages feature for its platform which will allow users to send messages that self-destruct in a selected time frame.Two years back WhatsApp introduced Delete for Everyone feature on its platform introducing a 7 minute limit for deleting the messages. The company gradually...

2020 Calendar & Punchang For Indian

Indian 2020 Hindi Calendar, Marathi Calendar, Gujarati Calendar, Kannada Calendar, Punjabi Calendar, Odia Calendar, Tamil Calendar, Telugu Calendar, Malayalam Calendar and Bengali Calendar bundle with same multi language and regional Calendar & Weather App presented by iExamCenter.You can get 2020...

TAT BHARTI Shixan Sahayak Bharti Declared 2019

TAT Bharti For TAT Exam pass candidate is coming soon in few days by educations department of Gujarat.Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training,...

Driving License Exam Useful PDF file

Driving License Exam Useful PDF file Cloud computing is a popular option for people and businesses for a number of reasons including cost savings, increased productivity, speed and efficiency, performance, and security.Cloud computing is named as such because the information being accessed is found...

How To find your name in list of PMJAY AAYUSHMAN BHARAT

How To find your name in list of PMJAY AAYUSHMAN BHARAT AirDroid allows you to access and manage your Android phone or tablet from Windows, Mac and Linux, wirelessly, for free.Calls, SMS, and the app notifications you allowed, mirrored to the large computer screen you are focused on.Major features:1....


ALL FRIENDS USEFULL INFO…TAMARA GAMNI BPL YADI JUOCloud data security is important because you want to make sure that your data is protected while being stored in the cloud. Many high-profile hacking cases mean that this problem is relevant to many business owners, but the reality is that your data...

Download Digiloker App 2019 you Save your Document

Download Digiloker App 2019 you Save your DocumentDigiLocker poster DigiLocker screenshot 1 DigiLocker screenshot 2 DigiLocker screenshot 3 DigiLocker screenshot 4 DigiLocker screenshot 5 DigiLocker screenshot 6The description of DigiLocker DigiLocker is a key initiative under Digital India, the Government...

Equal pay for the same work will be implemented; One million irregular employees of the center will benefit

Equal pay for the same work will be implemented; One million irregular employees of the center will benefitThese employees were currently being paid the minimum wages announced by the respective state governments. The Delhi government has fixed a monthly salary of Rs 14,000 for unskilled workers. Now,...

BLO ni Kamgiri Any Vibhagna Karmchario Ne Sopava Chutani Panchno Aadesh - News Report.

BLO ni Kamgiri Any Vibhagna Karmchario Ne Sopava Chutani Panchno Aadesh - News Report.Watch Vande Gujarat Channel On PC, Watch Jio TV on Pc, How can Play Jio Tv on PC ?Vande Gujarat is a state owned educational and geographical television channel in India. Channel list. Vande Gujarat 1; Vande Gujarat...

Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana Apply Online At https://mysy.guj.nic.in/

The Mukhyamantri Yuva Swavalamban Yojana is a scheme under which the students shall get grants for their higher studies. To take part in this scheme the government has asked for online applications. The Gujarat government will provide scholarships to the meritorious students who prove their mettle...

Electricity Bill payment online

Power Grievance Redressal Application GUVNL (previous GEB) complaint of all power distribution companies of Gujarat (DGVCL, MGVCL, PGVCL, UGVCL) is simple, fast, intuitive and easy to use.The app is providing rich features for registered and non-registered users. The user can contact the Customer Care...

LRB Lokrakshak / Constable Important News 2019

LRB Lokrakshak / Constable Important News 2019The Department of Personnel and Training under the Prime Minister's Office issued the order in this regard on Wednesday. According to the order, from now on, all irregular employees working in the central government department will be paid the same as the...
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