SBI PO Selection Process
SBI PO Selection Process: State Bank of India Probationary Officer Selection Process Details.
SBI PO Selection Process consists of Three Phases – Phase I, Phase II & Phase III.
Phase I: Preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 1 hour duration consisting of 3 Sections as follows…

Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing passing marks to be decided by the Bank. Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Bank (approximately 10 times the numbers of vacancies subject to availability) will be short listed for the Main Examination...
Phase II: Main Examination (Total 250 marks) consisting of Objective Tests (200 marks) and Descriptive Test (50 marks).
(i) The Objective Tests with 3 hour duration will consists of 4 Sections

(ii). The Descriptive Test of 30 minutes duration with 50 marks will be of “Test of English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)”.
Note: Descriptive Test paper of only those candidates will be evaluated who have scored qualifying marks in the Objective Tests and are placed adequately high as per total marks in objective test.
Phase III: Group Exercises (20 marks) & Interview (30 marks)
The aggregate marks of candidates qualifying in both the Objective Tests and Descriptive Test will be arranged in descending order in each category. Adequate number of candidates in each category, as decided by the Bank will be called for Group Exercises and Interview. The qualifying marks in Group Exercises & Interview will be as decided by the Bank.
Final Selection: The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination (Phase-I) will not be added for the selection and only the marks obtained in Main Examination (Phase-II), both in Objective Test and Descriptive Test, will be added to the marks obtained in GE& Interview (Phase-III) for preparation of the final merit list. The candidates will have to qualify both in Phase-II and Phase-III separately. Marks secured by the candidates in the Written Test (out of 250 marks) are converted to out of 75 and marks secured in Group Exercises & Interview (out of 50 marks) are converted to out of 25. The final merit list is arrived at after aggregating converted marks of Written Test and Group Exercises &Interview out of 100 for each category. The selection will be made from the top merit ranked candidates in each category. Results of the candidates who have qualified for Group Exercises & Interview and the list of candidates finally selected will be made available on the Bank’s website. Final select list will be published in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar and also in Bank’s website.....
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SBI PO Selection Process consists of Three Phases – Phase I, Phase II & Phase III.
Phase I: Preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 1 hour duration consisting of 3 Sections as follows…

Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing passing marks to be decided by the Bank. Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Bank (approximately 10 times the numbers of vacancies subject to availability) will be short listed for the Main Examination...
Phase II: Main Examination (Total 250 marks) consisting of Objective Tests (200 marks) and Descriptive Test (50 marks).
(i) The Objective Tests with 3 hour duration will consists of 4 Sections

(ii). The Descriptive Test of 30 minutes duration with 50 marks will be of “Test of English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)”.
Note: Descriptive Test paper of only those candidates will be evaluated who have scored qualifying marks in the Objective Tests and are placed adequately high as per total marks in objective test.
Phase III: Group Exercises (20 marks) & Interview (30 marks)
The aggregate marks of candidates qualifying in both the Objective Tests and Descriptive Test will be arranged in descending order in each category. Adequate number of candidates in each category, as decided by the Bank will be called for Group Exercises and Interview. The qualifying marks in Group Exercises & Interview will be as decided by the Bank.
Final Selection: The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination (Phase-I) will not be added for the selection and only the marks obtained in Main Examination (Phase-II), both in Objective Test and Descriptive Test, will be added to the marks obtained in GE& Interview (Phase-III) for preparation of the final merit list. The candidates will have to qualify both in Phase-II and Phase-III separately. Marks secured by the candidates in the Written Test (out of 250 marks) are converted to out of 75 and marks secured in Group Exercises & Interview (out of 50 marks) are converted to out of 25. The final merit list is arrived at after aggregating converted marks of Written Test and Group Exercises &Interview out of 100 for each category. The selection will be made from the top merit ranked candidates in each category. Results of the candidates who have qualified for Group Exercises & Interview and the list of candidates finally selected will be made available on the Bank’s website. Final select list will be published in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar and also in Bank’s website.....
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