You had to plan for how your future would be, but sometimes life changes in ways that you could never predict. Your regular payments are not enough to pay for what you want to do. You need cash now. Many policies will not let you cash out your payments early, making what once felt like a sound investment like a red tape keeping you from your future goals. That's where we can help.
At J.G. Wentworth, we can buy some, or even your future annuity payments in exchange for a lump sum of cash. In some cases, you can sell your annuity payments and receive the money you need in as little as two weeks after you sign the required paperwork. It's your money. Use it when you need it.
Why sell your annuity payments? Everyone's financial situation is different, but for over 25 years we've been helping people sell their future payments, we've heard many reasons why people want their money sooner. Some of the most
If you're thinking about selling some or all of your payments, knowing what they're worth today is an important first step, but it's not just a simple calculation. When you set up your annuity, you chose what options, known as riders, you put on it that changes how the payout worked. These riders can change the value of your payments. Other factors that influence the current value of your future payments include:
The amount of remaining payments
How often you receive those payments
When you're scheduled to receive the payments you're looking at selling.
You had to plan for how your future would be, but sometimes life changes in ways that you could never predict. Your regular payments are not enough to pay for what you want to do. You need cash now. Many policies will not let you cash out your payments early, making what once felt like a sound investment like a red tape keeping you from your future goals. That's where we can help.
At J.G. Wentworth, we can buy some, or even your future annuity payments in exchange for a lump sum of cash. In some cases, you can sell your annuity payments and receive the money you need in as little as two weeks after you sign the required paperwork. It's your money. Use it when you need it.
Why sell your annuity payments? Everyone's financial situation is different, but for over 25 years we've been helping people sell their future payments, we've heard many reasons why people want their money sooner. Some of the most
If you're thinking about selling some or all of your payments, knowing what they're worth today is an important first step, but it's not just a simple calculation. When you set up your annuity, you chose what options, known as riders, you put on it that changes how the payout worked. These riders can change the value of your payments. Other factors that influence the current value of your future payments include:
The amount of remaining payments
How often you receive those payments
When you're scheduled to receive the payments you're looking at selling.
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