
How To update Mobile no In Adhar card

How To update Mobile no In Adhar card

Your mobile number needs to be linked to Aadhaar card. So, if you have changed your mobile number and have not updated it in support, complete it as soon as possible. You can apply for this update at home. You will have to pay a fee of Rs 25 for this.

The process of updating the mobile number

First go to UIDAI website https://ask.uidai.gov.in/#//. Then fill in your phone number and captcha on the page that opens.
Then proceed to OTP on your phone number by clicking the Send OTP button. Fill in the OTP in your phone in the box on the right and submit.

A new page will then open where the support service will be written. Click Update Support here. A page will then open in front of you. Here you will see the option of name, Aadhaar card, address.

If you want to change the mobile number here or link the phone number with Aadhaar, you can fill in the details here, click on what do you want to update and then select the mobile number and submit.
Now on the next page you will be asked to fill in the captcha. Complete this process by sending an OTP to your phone number here. Also, check the OTP on your mobile number. Then click Save and Proceed.
You will receive a notification before submitting. Double check all the information you provided in it. Then submit.
Then you book your appointment. You can book an appointment by clicking on 'Book Appointment'. Click here to know the process of appointment booking.

Updating data on Aadhaar
Registered Mobile Number
Registered mobile number is essential to access Aadhaar Online Services

You can verify your mobile number that has been declared at the time of enrolment or during latest Aadhaar detail update.

Verify Mobile Number
If you have not registered your Mobile number while enrolling for Aadhaar, you are required to visit a Permanent Enrolment Centre to get it registered.

Enabling Aadhaar for various services like Government & Non-Government Services, Subsidy Benefits, Pensions, Scholarships, Social Benefits, Banking services, Insurance services, Taxation services, Education, Employment, Healthcare etc., makes it essential to ensure that Aadhaar data of the resident stored in the CIDR is accurate and up-to-date.

Demographic data update, the need could arise from:
Changes in life events such as marriage may lead to residents changing their basic demographic details such as name and address. Address and mobile number could also change due to migration to newer locations. Residents may also want changes in their relative’s details due to changes in life events such marriage, death of a relative etc. In addition, residents could have other personal reasons to change their mobile number, email address etc.

Changes in various service delivery platforms may lead residents to declaration request changes and to add mobile number to CIDR etc.
Errors made during the enrolment process wherein the resident’s demographic data may have been captured incorrectly. Changes to “DoB/Age” and “Gender” fields are expected primarily due to enrolment errors.

Since a resident can enrol anywhere in India, it may happen that a native speaker of language "A" is enrolled by an operator of language "B" and consequently the resident’s local language of enrolment is "B". Later, the resident may want to change the local language of enrolment to another that he/she prefers. If so, then all the demographic information that is printed on the Aadhaar letter will need to be updated in the new local language.

UIDAI may also ascertain availability of POI, POA and other documents collected at the time of enrolment/update and its quality and decide to notify resident to update their demographic information and submit the required document.

Biometric update, the need could arise from:
Age <5 years at the time of initial enrolment -The child should be re-enroled when the child attains an age of 5 years and all biometric data should be provided. A de-duplication would be done for the child at this stage. This request will be treated similar to a new enrolment request while retaining the original Aadhaar number
Age between 5 and 15 years at the time of enrolment - The resident should furnish all biometrics for updates when the resident attains age of 15 years.
Age >15 years at the time of enrolment – Residents are recommended to update their biometric data every 10 years.

Important Links :

Events like accidents or diseases leading to biometric exception
As the Aadhaar authentication service is becoming ubiquitous, residents may also approach for biometric updates because of authentication failures (called false rejects – where a correct resident with valid Aadhaar number may be incorrectly rejected) which may result from incorrect biometric capture or poor biometric quality captured at the time of enrolment. With improvements in technology, it may be possible to capture better quality biometrics in the CIDR.

UIDAI may verify the quality of biometric captured during enrolment/ update and decide a threshold. All the residents whose biometrics are below the decided threshold level may be notified by UIDAI to update of biometrics.

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