
Zoomquilt Website: amazing Website

Zoomquilt Website: amazing Website

The Zoomquilt is a hypnotic, infinitely zooming image and website created by Berlin artist Nikolaus Baumgarten and a team of illustrators that weaves together a patchwork of different fantasy paintings into a single, seemingly endless shot. The work, which was inspired by the ongoing Gridcosm project, is also available as an Android Live Wallpaper.

We are approaching the image and rather than seeing pixels the dimensions of a fist at some point, we see the subsequent picture, we repeat the procedure repeatedly (in fact, it's like one quite smooth process and if the artists did an honest job, then the “joints” we we'll not see at all) and eventually we reach the first picture. generally , multikvayny, just for artists.

And how is such a thing done? in fact , you'll draw it all frame by frame, moreover, some talented animators would have done it well. But practically altogether existing works of this genre it's indicated that these are fruits of collective creativity. Usually there's a team of artists, a project coordinator and a programmer who actually assembles it all at once and writes an interface.

What are Zoom Quilt Infinity Photos?

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➜ Zoom Quilt website 1
➜ Zoom Quilt Website 2

Zoom quilts are a replacement medium in art that use modern-technology to form artwork appear to be never-ending. The art seems to concentrate forever. Zoom quilts were first made popular in Hollywood films like Men in Black where the universe is continually zoomed out. We’ve gathered 3 amazing zoom quilt videos which will make your mind trip .

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