
Gujarat government is considering giving mass promotion to students

Gujarat government is considering giving mass promotion to students
With schools closed for seven months, the government is considering whether to give mass promotions to primary students. The government is currently considering whether to take students to higher standard without examination

The big news has come for students taking online education amidst the Coronation Age. The Gujarat government is considering giving mass promotion to students. In Gujarat, there is a discussion about giving mass promotion to students of Std. 1 to 8. With schools closed for seven months, the government is considering whether to give mass promotions to primary students. The government is currently considering whether to take students to higher standard without examination.

Kamal Rawal, president of the parents' association, said the biggest relief would come to parents if the government gives mass promotions. Everyone will be relieved. The problem of fees can also be solved if there is a mass promotion. Fima can also get relief in mass promotion. Corona is not gone yet, schools are not going to open in such a situation. Therefore this decision should be taken immediately. This is not a waiting situation. Schools are not open in Corona. 4 months have passed, it may take 12 months. How to send to school in Corona's case. And even online education is not getting it right. Issuing network. The boys were not sent a study mail for 15-20 days. So the solution of mass promotion is appropriate.

For the last two days, news has been circulating that mass promotion will be given in Std. 1 to 8 in the current academic year. Regarding this news, it has been clarified by the education department that no matter regarding giving mass promotion is not under consideration of the state government at present. The public is therefore urged not to be misled. At present there is no consideration for mass promotion from standard 1 to 8. This is big news for millions of students across the state.

It may be mentioned that there was a discussion in Gujarat that mass promotion should be given to students of Std. 1 to 8. When the schools have been closed for 7 months, there were rumors that the government was considering giving mass promotions to primary students. There were rumors that the government was considering whether to take students to higher standard without examination. On the other hand, parents are also favoring mass promotions to get relief in paying school fees.



School administrators protest ...
School principal Deepak Rajyaguru termed the decision of mass promotion as hasty and said that it is not appropriate to talk about mass promotion from now on. This should not be a hasty decision. It's been four months since the session started. Such a decision should be taken only if the school is closed for more than six months.

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