
National Secondary Education Campaign supplementary literature STD 12th

National Secondary Education Campaign supplementary literature STD 12th

The objective of the National Secondary Education Campaign (RSMA) is to expand and improve the standards of secondary education - Classes 9 to 10. National Secondary Education Campaign by specifying a secondary school (up to class 10) within an area of ​​5 km for each adjoining country. Will also take secondary education to the corner. The National Secondary Education Campaign (RMSA) is the latest initiative of the Government of India to achieve the goal of Universalization of Secondary Education (USE).

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was set up by the government to bring elementary education to millions of children which has been hugely successful and hence the need to strengthen the structure of secondary education across the country. The campaign (RMSA) is also said to have launched plans to implement it at a total cost of Rs.20,120 crore during the 12th Plan.

Std. Matter of providing supplementary literature (exemplar) for students from 9th to 12th.
According to the above subject, due to the current Koro epidemic, it is not possible to start educational work by calling students in schools. Therefore, students are being imparted home based education through various mediums under home learning program.

In the current situation, if students are given supplementary literature along with the textbook, students can stay at home and practice more. Soft copy of supplementary literature (Exemplar) of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics subject in Std-9 and 10 Mathematics-Science subjects and Std-11 and 12 Science streams prepared by Gujarat State School Textbook Board, Gandhinagar for this purpose. In PDF format which is sent by the office here on the first Saturday of every month as per the syllabus of that month. The research is accompanied by a soft copy (PDF) of the October Supplementary Literature (Example) attached.

Through teachers Std. 9 and 10 and Std. 11 and 12 (science stream) students are asked to deliver. Students are asked to make necessary arrangements at your level to ensure proper guidance on the use of this literature.

Responsibility for the expansion of public and distance learning will be undertaken, especially for those who cannot pursue full-time secondary education and for the addition / growth of oral instruction. The system will also play an important role in the education of out-of-school children.

Institutional reforms and strengthening of resource institutions
1. To make necessary administrative reforms in each state will be a pre-requisite for central assistance. These include institutional reforms.
2. School Management Improvements - Improves the performance of schools by decentralizing their management and accountability
3. Adoption of equitable policy of teacher recruitment, employment, training, compensation and career development
4. Responsibility for reforms in educational administration including modernization / management and representation / decentralization
5. Provision of necessary business and educational advancements in the secondary education system at all levels, i.e., above the school level; And
6. Simplify financial processes for rapid flow of funds and their optimal utilization
7. Necessary strengthening of resource institutions at various levels, e.g.
8. At the national level, NCERT (Included RIEs), NUEPA and NIOS
9. SCERTs at state level, state public schools, SIEMATs, etc., and

Goal and purpose:
To meet the challenges of universalisation of secondary education (USE), there is a need for exemplary migration in the imaginary framework of secondary education. There are guiding principles in this regard; Universal access, equality and social justice, relevance and development and curriculum related and structural aspects. Universalization of secondary education provides opportunities to move towards equality. The concept of 'public school' will be promoted. If these values ​​are established in the system, Schools, including those of unsupported private schools, will contribute to the universalization of secondary education (USE) by ensuring adequate enrollment for children from disadvantaged and below poverty line (BPL) families.

Main objectives:
Ensuring that all secondary schools such as government / local bodies and government aided schools and other schools have physical facilities, staff and supplies as per minimum standards through financial support in appropriate regulatory procedures.

Proximity based on local conditions involving public education (i.e., secondary schools within 5 km and higher secondary schools within 7-10 km) / Secondary for all young persons as per standards through efficient and safe transport managements / housing facilities To improve access to education. However, these standards may be relaxed in mountainous and difficult areas. In particular, residential schools may be established in such areas.

To ensure that no child is deprived of satisfactory quality secondary education due to gender, socio-economic disabilities and other barriers

To improve the quality of secondary education resulting in the attainment of advanced intellectual, social and cultural learning
To ensure that all children pursuing secondary education get a good quality education
Achieving the above objectives will also describe the real progress towards public school system in other subjects.

✅Important Links : 
👉New syllabus std 12th

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